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Summary information on cloud detection and cloud classification:
Cloud Top Height retrieved by a colour ratio approach in MIPAS band A
and thresholding used in the operational ESA level 2 processor.
[Sensitivity: conservative / robust detection / might mismatch thin clouds]
Cloud Top Height retrieved with the same colour ratio like CTH_OPER_CI
but with optimised thresholds based on MIPAS 2003 data (atitude/altitude/month dependent).
[Sensitivity: high / might produce some artefacts in the polar summer regions]
Cloud Top Height retrieved with the same colour ratio like CTH_OPER_CI
but with optimised thresholding (latitude/altitude dependent).
[Sensitivity: high / might produce some artefacts]
Cloud Top Height based on Singular Value Decomposition of modelled
[Sensitivity: middle / might mismatch thin clouds]
Cloud Top Temperature based on then temperature of ECMWF forcast or
climatological data at the altitude of the CTH_CIOPT_THRESH spectrum.
Cloud Top Temperature based on then temperature of ECMWF forcast or
climatological data at the altitude of the CTH_OPER_CI spectrum.
Cloud Top Height of a three parameter optimal estimation retrieval
(CTH,CTT,CEX extinction). The macrophysical retireval takes into
account the partly cloudiness in the field of view of MIPAS (3km).
[Sensitivity: high / detects enhanced stratospheric aerosol] Attention: Some artificial large CTHs may occur (>28 km), caused by a so far unsolved problem with the reduced spectral resolution data of MIPAS.
Cloud Top Temperature of a three parameter optimal estimation retrieval
Cloud Top Extinction of a three parameter optimal estimation retrieval